
Jon Muth, aka Jonny, is a 4-year veteran in the CPG space, having managed Global Strategy & Planning at Beyond Meat prior to founding Jonny's Beanery. Jon was seemingly destined to reach the crossroads of founding Jonny's Beanery in 2023. He unofficially began his career in CPG as a Brand Ambassador for Honest Tea in 2013, but arguably the story begins with Jon’s first taste of coffee at the ripe age of 11 with the infamous launch of Coca-Cola BlāK in 2006. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Jon picked up a few new hobbies as many did during the isolation period, and this included countertop coffee roasting using a toaster-oven looking operation to produce the freshest coffee by the pound. As a former Accountant working within CPG, his primary hobby drivers were (1) encountering everyday items that he was certain he could produce at-home for less, and (2) unlocking higher quality products than could be offered at retail. This led him to the realization that unless he purchased coffee directly from specialty coffee roasters, which was an underdeveloped DTC market given the dominance of conventional players such as Nespresso and Keurig, the only effective way to experience truly fresh coffee was to roast at home or become friendly with a local roaster.

So maybe that's how you've found you way to Jonny's Beanery, providing the freshest coffee west of the 405. And we're proud to serve you and your caffeination needs.